Jesus Over Everything

It's a beautiful time of the year with the lights, the colors, the smell, and all that is beautiful and bright sparks joy and a sense of hope. There is a sense of anticipation and expectancy for many: newness and freshness, a time to start again and to keep forging forward. And for others and their reality, there is a sense of sadness, disappointment, and even dread. We carry, juggle and toggle between the tensions of what was, what is, and what we wish. It's conflicting - pulling us in different directions. It takes work and effort to keep plowing forward. We're not trying to maintain an image or prove anything; we're just trying to take the next breath, do the next right thing.  We're trying to navigate this one life. We want to show up and be present, and do it with joy and gratitude. But too often, the messiness and complexity of life attempt to snuff out the life in us. So, where does that leave us?  What do we do?  How do we shepherd our hearts in this season?  We want to savor the beauty of the moment and navigate the challenges with grace and humility. But everything in us wants to run, hide, numb, and avoid. 

We allow ourselves to feel. We acknowledge what we are experiencing. We can even speak about it. And then, Jesus over everything. We put Jesus over everything. We actively choose and tell our hearts and mind to remember Jesus is King, and he is over everything. The truth is we're never going to escape all of life's trouble unscathed. It's going to happen. But it doesn't have to derail us or set us back with each valley, disappointment, or unwanted challenge or pain. We don't have to return to old ways, habits, and thinking. We can maintain our freedom and healing. We have a gracious and loving God who aids us in our weakness. He is our strength when we feel weak, and He's our Rescue. So rather than giving up and feeling defeated or discouraged, let's try putting Jesus over everything. It may not change our circumstances or situation, but He'll lead our hearts to victory with greater trust and intimacy. 

Life came into being[a] because of him, for his life is light for all humanity.  And this Living Expression is the Light that bursts through gloom - the Light that darkness could not diminish! John 1:4-5

You will keep the mind that is dependent on you in perfect peace, for it is trusting in you. Isaiah 26:3


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