Wink from Heaven

Have you ever had a moment that you knew was just between you and God? In God's infinite creativity, mystery He somehow shifts and creates this sacred, holy, kiss from heaven moment where you cannot deny it was only God. I am privileged to have many of those moments. I am no more special than the next kid. I think God knows I love that kind of thing. I'm always looking for the common thread. I pray constantly and look for his response, his answer.

The emotions have been high and all over the last few weeks. Nothing triggered or specific, it's just an emotionally charged time these days. So 
I am a full 10 days into zero media and news. I'm not worried or fearful. I am intentional and deliberate. I just needed to pause and quiet down the negativity and toxicity. I needed to re-ground myself in what I can control - my input. I also wanted to prepare my heart and get in the right head space for Holy Week and Easter.  

So for whatever reason, I had "a moment" today. To be frank, it's happening more frequently. How I am dealing with it is allowing myself to feel it, then I take it to God. We talk about it. And I eventually process it with a friend. Well, if I ever had a thought or the feeling of being forgotten, forsaken, misplaced, out of place, without help or a plan - God made certain to encourage me today. He didn't have to. He didn't need to. But he did. I think he likes to see how excited I get. I think he likes when I acknowledge that was a total kiss from heaven and I go and tell everyone!  

After work today I'm checking my kids school work, and the bible lesson for today was to write about the picture - Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. Lesson 142. Our homeschooling journey is another God story. Fast forward, we decide to homeschool this year, we choose homeschool curriculum. The video lessons are filmed years ago. We pray and choose a "random" start date for school. We stay on schedule. We fall behind schedule. We play catch up. We do half days. We do double days. We take days off. Through it all, we just keep at it and going. And yet somehow today, no planning or orchestrating of our own, today Thursday April 9, 2020 we land on lesson 142. Not only does the lesson coordinate with Easter but yes, it is the exact Holy week event! I'm undone. But there is more. My husband reads the bible every day to the kids. On occasion, we miss so he picks up where he left off. I share him my God moment, he smirks and tells me that was also the exact story the kids read in the bible. 

You can never convince me that God does not hear or see me. Or somehow we can miss or mess up God's plan. Friend, if we are seeking the Lord with all that we understand and know how to do, and we put him first, choosing to obey, trust and follow him, he perfects our every step. He will get us where we need to be at the right time! 


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