
When we come to Christ and receive his salvation as the atonement for our sins, an immediate exchange takes place. There is no delay. No waiting period or time lapse. It's instantaneous. We are instantly forgiven, and our debt is canceled. Our eternal destiny is changed in that moment - a transference from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of God. That is the power of the cross. The power of his love. There is no darkness that can overpower the cross. There is no pit deep enough that his love cannot find and pull us out. His love is unending. 

The moment we acknowledge our need for a savior, believe Jesus is the only one able to forgive, and confess our sin, our position before God is complete. It's secure. It's firm. It's forever. We are forever his. Everything is ours in him. (John 17:10) If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. We are made brand new. The old things have passed away, and new things have come. (2 Corinthians 5:17) This is true, every word of God is true. So the question is then, where do we go from here? How do we harmonize our position in Christ with our current condition and reality? How does "his kingdom come and will be done on earth as it is in heaven" show itself in our lives and present reality? How can our lives here on this earth resemble and reflect all that is already ours in him by faith through the work of the cross?  It's through his presence, and a personal relationship. 

He gives us his presence for relationship. Our job is to abide in his presence, his love. To sit at his feet, to learn from him, to live as he lived, do what he did and love as he loved. Serve and he served and obey the father as he obeyed the father. It's a daily decision to make him Lord of our lives. King of our hearts. We daily, moment by moment choose to yield to his ways, his laws. We surrender our lives and will. I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)  It's a journey towards spiritual formation. It is a process for which our spiritual inheritance is made evident and visible in our physical reality. We don't work to earn our salvation, but we work out our salvation. It takes time. It requires our part. But take heart, God is patient with us. When he looks at us, even in our moments of frailty, brokenness, and imperfection, he is very well pleased. This is possible because he sees us through the blood of his son, we are covered. 

Today, I am encouraged that my limitations never defines God's ability. He is limitless. And he offers himself. His very presence - to go before me, to be with me and to help me. 


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