Monday Food for Thought

 " in the present but made for eternity..." Levi Lusko 

Proximity and activity don’t always equal connectivity. Do I walk into situations prepared with the fullness of God in me, free to look for ways to bless others?Or ... Do I walk into situations empty and dependent on others to look for ways to bless me? Lysa TerKeurst 

The word translated as blessing in the New Testament is derived from the Greek word, makarismos, which means “to be indwelt by God through the Holy Spirit and, therefore, because of His indwelling to be fully satisfied in spite of the afflictions of life.” To be blessed actually means to be fully satisfied. To thrive on the inside even if life is falling apart on the outside. To be so filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit within that we are able to endure and taste the sweetness of His love even in the midst of bitter reality. Even when it hurts, even when we do not understand. Diane Comer 

Release Your Striving - Brian Simmons and Gretchen Rodriguez 

I have taught you in the secret place, and you have learned the ways of my Spirit. I remind you this day: do not strive but rest your heart in the quietness, and I will do what you cannot. Anxiety and striving are the enemies of your peace. When I give you a task, I give you the grace to accomplish it. I never lead you into failure or give you a mission only to make you fail I will strengthen you in the quiet place and bring my transcendent presence to calm you soul. When you know me, you will no longer strive to better or strive to be loved. When you experience my endless compassion, you will learn to trust my love for you. Striving will leave you feeling empty and depleted. But when you release yourself by faith into my care, I will fill you with my peace and give you rest. Faith rests in hope. So, my child, this is the day of Sabbath joy, when you will enter into the realm of my kingdom. Know that I will never fail you or disappoint you. Rest in that certainty. 


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