Not Forgotten

Today I am thanking God for the breath in my lungs. The fact that I have seen another day is a gift of grace and mercy. 

I confess and remind the enemy that my God has not forgotten us. He will come to our rescue and he is presently rescuing us because he is always at work. Even though we cannot see all that God is doing behind the scenes, we believe by faith He is still at work. Not only is God at work but he is working it all together for our good. He is bringing life and joy out of dark and hard places. He is restoring the ruins and bringing forth life out of the ashes. He is doing a new thing, a deeper work. He only has the best intentions towards us. His plans are good, He is for us, and we are his. 

We are not forgotten. 

We have been created for good works that have been prepared in advance. We have a purpose and a destiny. There is a seat at his table for us. He makes room for us. 

We are not forgotten. 

We do not have to fear, worry or fret. There is no striving in his love. Refuse to believe the lie that God has abandoned us, especially during moments of seemingly silence and God feels distance. We have not been passed over. We have not missed our moment. The pandemic did not ruin or derail God's plan. Our inability to see or comprehend all that God is doing right now does not negate that he is all wisdom and in his sovereignty, he will turn all things for our good. 

So let's continue to wait on the Lord with bravery, strength and courage. And dare to keep believing that God can and will do the impossible in his perfect timing. 


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