Always Will Be

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. 
He has always been and will always be. 
There is NO OTHER NAME. 
There is NO OTHER WAY. 

I am forever grateful that Jesus is the eternal Lord and King. There will never be another like Him. There is nothing that compares to Him. He is matchless - Forever and Almighty. There are not enough words to describe all that Jesus is because He is infinite and cannot be contained. That is really good news because we all need a Savior. And Jesus is the only righteous and perfect one who is able to save us. 

Today and forevermore, our hope is found in Jesus alone. The tomb is empty and that is proof that our Lord Jesus is alive and He reigns. He is our conquering and overcoming King. The life I now live is not my own but Christ who lives in me, to do the work of my heavenly Father. To go and make Christ followers, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and to teach them to obey and walk in God's ways, laws and commandments. 

This is our mission. This is our purpose. And always will be. 


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